Monday, June 2, 2008

How Can I Convince My Parents That Acting Is Right For Me?

What do you think would really make your parents start to take you seriously and support you?

Do they know what house insurance quotes do? REALLY? Do they know what it's like being an actor? Do they know what you really have to go through to become an actor?

Do YOU know the answers to those questions? If you do, it can help you get over the "How can I convince my parents " dilemma.

Do you know what it's like and what the issues actors face, what it's like to work on set, what your chances are of just getting work, how hard you'll have to work, how platinum visa credit card you will have to invest of your time and energy to study, to do mailings, to write cover letters, to submit yourself for auditions, to prepare for auditions, prepare your monologues, bone up on your cold reading skills, take specialization classes, travel, etc.

Do you know how much acting classes cost and where to find them?

Do you know the benefits of taking acting classes as opposed to just finding people to give you tips or getting a personal acting coach?

Do you know what the average earnings are of an actor these days?

Do you know how many days on the average an actor works.

Do you know why business skills are so important for the success of the average actor and do you have them?

Do you know how to get an agent?

Do you know what the main reason is Gourmet Products some actors get discovered? Are you aware of some of the scams that you need to watch out for?

Do you know what it takes to become an actor and do you have what it takes?

That's a lot of questions I know and I asked them on purpose. Because if you are not able to answer them, then how on earth do you think you will be able to convince them? If you don't have the answers, that probably means that they have just as much information as you do.

Some teenagers have someone who is an adult and who supports them in their goals. If you don't, you can either keep butting heads with you're your parents or being afraid to approach the subject, or you can start to find out for yourself about this career path you want to embark on and show them that you are really serious.

In other words, the more information you have, the more informed you are about what you say you want, the more you can talk about it intelligently and demonstrate that you know what you are talking about, the greater your chances of being able to convince them to support you. If they have just as much information as you do, then you are on an equal playing field. They are your parents. They are bigger. They are older. They win! At least until you're out of the house or until they no longer foots your bills!

Is that the way you want it? No? Then get a move on and start doing your homework! :-)

Does doing your homework mean that you will get what you want in the end? Does it mean that you will be one hundred percent guaranteed to get their support? Not necessarily. Your parents are certainly taking into consideration your best interests. But even if you don't get them to support you, you will know a lot more than you do now about the profession you say you want to pursue.

Want to get started? See you at the site!

Good luck!

Anthony Smith made a move from corporate manager and is now an actor, author and motivational speaker. While enjoying success in his "new" life, Anthony shares his business insight and acting experience with young, aspiring actors. Aside from acting work, he Neurontin created actingcareerstartup/teen_acting.htmlActingCareerStartUp. This particular page link has page links to 15 different things that teen actors need to know. Anthony's first book, Acting Career Start-Up: Four Key Factors For Success hit the U.S. market in April 2007.


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