Thursday, May 22, 2008

Popular Music Marketing Lag Far Behind Deeper Plot Themes - Music - Lyrics In The Feature Film Business

Dear fellow music and feature film lovers on planet Earth:

Remember the inspiring depth of good character set against seemingly insurmountable odds that was portrayed in the "THE LORD OF THE RINGS and the incredible symphonic music scores Howard Shore created to to support them. Look at the benevolent character portrayals that were displayed in the early "Star Trek" T.V. series and later theatrical motion picture releases and recall the universal Spiritual force in "STAR WARS" with John Williams amazing symphonic score that emotionally moved the principle characters to chose in the end right action instead of surrendering to evil. Recall the loving bond between "E.T. The Extraterrestrial" and the loving trust of a young boy. In the Harry Potter books and films children have been given examples of how to choose love and friendship over dominating power over others. that can build good character. Most importantly, many cheap car insurances millions of persons worldwide paid for those books, epic films and ancillary products Select Quote insurance ever support any highly successful pop Artist or band.

Imagine for a moment with your eyes closed, how the popular music business might take off in a whole new successful direction if more Artists and their supporting Producers/record labels were to create music that is laced with universal uplifting truths that have already proven to be incredibly successful in major epic motion pictures. (Nondenominational, of course, if one wants it to be commercially successful.) that could be a very effective way to inspire persons to awaken their greater potentials as human beings. Everyone can relate to some universal truth within themselves in their own unique way. Music does not must be just about love affairs. It can also be about a passionate love of all life, what is universally behind and supporting it and the real relationship we can develop with that omnipresent living energy presence.

Universal truth or that which awakens industrial injury to their mostly unknown and unrealized full potential in their lifetime is freely available everywhere in creation, if we have the inner eyes to see it. Uplifting themes in lyrics and music have often been, for brief periods of time, very successfully put into practice by popular singers, songwriters, and music composing Artists in the recent past. I will not name the Artists or bands that most inspired me because every of you will have your own unique view regarding which past or current Artists and/bands purposefully create that uplifting awakening effect. In my view, those that consciously work their artistry to be an uplifting vehicle that can enlighten their fans in an acceptable universal manner are very few indeed.

If you utilize the mainstream epic film business as an obvious example: you'll soon come to realize, as I have, that the greatest artistic success potential has however to be achieved in the mainstream music business. To reach the loftier heights various Artists, promoters, Producers and record label owners, one would must discover more about who they really are that is not the very temporary bodies they now wear, what their existence on Earth is actually about, and where they are actually headed in the grand scheme of things.

that may cause controversy, but in my view real musical artistry expresses universal truth that can be of real home refinancing information to the greatest number of persons worldwide and not just those within a offer in compromise settlement religious affiliation or denomination. Really great artistry has the potential to inspire every individual, in their own unique way, to spontaneously realize new and more profound expanded states of awareness. Whether or not we like to admit it, deep down we all know we are here on Earth to discover more about who we are that outlives the body, why we exist (our true purpose) and how to unleash the great potential to expand our state of awareness so that we may explore, first hand, the multidimensional universe. every of us has the latent potentials to achieve that in that lifetime.

To me, the original meaning of the word ARTIST meant he or she consciously worked with the universal life-force that supports and sustains all life to create excellence in their musical, lyrical and vocal craft with the intent it will uplift, inspire and awaken within the listener the raid data recovery ntfs motivation to reach the heights of excellence as human beings that they never before thought was possible.

Contrary to some current popular thinking and circles of belief, music that can have the effect of positively transforming human beings into much more enlightened states of consciousness can be very commercially successful. It has been for short periods of time in the last forty years or so; but in my view, the surface hasn't even been scratched to date. that is actually quite simple to see if one stands back far enough to look at the world around them with the open eyes of childlike wonder, filled with the possibility that they can manifest their deepest and most cherished dream. Passionate belief combined with persistent focused imagination on a beloved creative goal impresses the universal living force underlying all life to eventually bring it into reality.

Very original symphonic scores and original Artist performed tunes associated with major epic films has already reached dynamic uplifting heights that go way...way...way...beyond anything that has happened at any time in the separate main stream music business. that is certainly true regarding total volume of feature film ticket and ancillary product Marketing; but we have only begun to touch the surface of the vast depth of that potential that awaits being brought to life in that world through the commercial marketplace.

The greatest selling recording Artist or band in any music genre today has never come anywhere close in volume (numbers) of record Marketing that can compare with the many multimillion and even billion dollars of Marketing that occur from masses of persons worldwide that pay to see a single or series of epic blockbuster films. Nor do music business record Marketing significantly compare in any way with the massive Marketing of epic feature film D.V.D.'S, related music C.D.'S, books, graphic novels, comic books, ancillary books, toys, and many other products that are spun off of a successful major epic motion picture film or series. The symphonic score and vocal performances that are part of the monumental creative accomplishments of a number of prominent film makers today are an integral part of the high success phenomena of these feature films.

Should some really insightful Producer catch on to what is being stated here, they would suddenly realize, as I have, that great untapped artistry with unbelievable success potential has however to be marketed out from the main stream music business to the public. All that I am stating here is: If some part of the main stream music business were to have the courage to promote Artists and/or bands that paralleled lyrically and musically the enlightening story plot themes that are woven like a golden thread through certain blockbuster feature films - exemplifying the most noble attainable courageous and positive loving human characteristics - they would start a brand new phenomenal success wave in that world.

that is true, because that new potential worldwide music fan base - as of however untapped - already supports many successful epic feature film or series of films and that represents several hundred million more persons than the few million persons that pay for and support any one musical Artist and/or band. The epic film fan base already buys what is in those films with their accompanying music scores, as well as a vast amount of associated ancillary products.

Then again, if you really want to experience great Artistry with music, you can always go see a blockbuster epic film to fully appreciate the massive undertaking and incredible artistry (real passion for music and film) that it takes to create the original music score for them.

There are great Master composers in music today associated with the film business; but they are not being touted as such in comparison to the way the old classical music composers have been.

Oh well, at least their incredible accomplishments can be appreciated by every of us as we become pleasantly absorbed in the moment of eternity within us that lasts throughout the uplifting heart of the music, drama and classy acting of a really well crafted feature film story.

May that article stimulate your own sense of greater destiny as you take a step inside to discover how truly fortunate we are to be alive on Earth today: for we have the opportunity to awaken all of our own sleeping potentials; to remember who we are and where we came from before that one lifetime; and the lofty heights we have the potential to however achieve given the right stimulation and motivation.

Robert Scott Lemriel

(official Washington, D.C. copyright pseudonym pen name of R. Scott Rochek)

Screenplay and novel Author

Music composer, lyricist, singer/guitarist/performer

Internet marketing entrepreneur for products dear to me that I believe will be of real value to my fellow human beings.

If you wish, you can visit his developing website at: